Hi, I’m Lisa. I’m a parenting educator and a life coach.

Like you, I love my kids and am wildly devoted to them. Like you, I’m making mistakes along the way and am open to continually learning. Like you, I find the humor in daily and sometimes hourly parenting foibles.

I look forward to sharing my learning, mistakes and humor with you in addition to cool and sometimes magical Positive Discipline strategies and tools.

What’s most important to me about this blog I’m creating? YOU.

When you read it I want you to feel curious and believe that anything is possible for you. I also hope it reminds you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Parenting is a butt kicking experience – fact.

The flavor? Imagine Mary Tyler Moore meets Buddha with a dash of Tina Fey.

Curious now? Me too.

In my classes and my private coaching sessions my hands down biggest continual surprise is people’s sheer delight and revived optimism about their potential as a parent and as a human being.

I hope you will feel sheer delight and revived optimism when you read this blog and participate in this community.  My goal is to make this space a virtual village where you learn, share, grow and delight in parenting.

This blog will be powerful because of your interactions with other parents in the comment section. I’ll be here too! How you and I respond will inspire, encourage, hearten and create great company with the thoughtful parents who are part of this growing community.

My work spreads 99% by word of mouth. If you find something helpful here, please pass it along to your friends.


What parenting issues are you most curious about?

What is most important to you in your relationship with your child? How do you want to act on that today?